داستان آبیدیک

high performance computing


1 عمومی:: رایانش فوق سریع

While improved hardware can lead to more capable AI systems, AI systems can also improve the performance of hardware.39 This reciprocity will lead to further advances in hardware performance, since physical limits on computing require novel approaches to hardware designs.40 AI-based methods could be especially important for improving the operation of high-performance computing (HPC) systems. AI is being used to predict HPC performance and resource usage, and to make online optimization decisions that increase efficiency; more advanced AI techniques could further enhance system performance. Benini, "Predictive Modeling for Job Power Consumption in HPC Systems," In Proceedings of High Performance Computing: 31st International Conference, ISC High Performance 2016 (Springer Vol. 9697, 2016). self-reconfigurable HPC systems that can handle system faults when they occur, without human intervention.41 Improved AI algorithms can increase the performance of multi-core systems by reducing data movements between processors and memory-the primary impediment to exascale computing systems that operate 10 times faster than today's supercomputers.42 In practice, the configuration of executions in HPC systems are never the same, and different applications are executed concurrently, with the state of each different software code evolving independently in time.

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